What is REC 2025?
/Baltimore City Recreation & Parks (BCRP) has launched Recreation 2025, their five-year strategic plan to sustain, reinvigorate and expand Baltimore’s parks and recreation resources.
Read MoreBaltimore City Recreation & Parks (BCRP) has launched Recreation 2025, their five-year strategic plan to sustain, reinvigorate and expand Baltimore’s parks and recreation resources.
Read MoreIf you don’t know her name, you know her face because she’s omnipresent supporting our community. Amanda Bourgeois is the Vice President of the CCA, a Ravens fan, music lover, and a diehard advocate for Canton.
Read MoreThe 13th Annual O'Donnell Square Lamp Post Lighting Ceremony & Decorating Contest scores another high five from the community. The CCA thanks all the participants, volunteers, and neighbors who braved the cold and joined in the fun this past December!!
Read MoreGood things don’t just happen. People make them happen. The CCA has a variety of volunteer opportunities that enables neighbors to share their time and talent with the community. This month we’d love to see some fresh faces join our committees – especially our Public Safety, Membership and Social committees.
Read MoreThe meeting started at 6:35PM at the United Evangelical Church. Mark Edelson, President, introduced himself and thanked everyone for coming.
Read MoreHolidays are a time for giving. It’s fun to shop for our family and friends, but it’s even more heartwarming to help those we may not know. Here are some of our favorite ways to have a good time and contribute to our community.
Read MoreA commemorative street sign was installed in front of the St. Casimir Catholic School to honor their long-time Crossing Guard, Shirley Hamer, who passed in September, 2019.
Read MoreThere is an upcoming temporary closing of Haven Street from O’Donnell Street underpass to Boston Street in connection with the Collective at Canton project starting on or about December 2nd (weather permitting).
Read MoreArch McKown is a well-known neighbor who actively participates in both the First District Safety Task Force and Patterson Park Neighborhood Association. Recently he was interviewed by Jessica Anderson of the Baltimore Sun to discuss how residents have joined forces to affect safety in his neighborhood. The CCA is sharing this story to illustrate how important it is for us to come together, follow safety guidelines, install the necessary hardware, and most importantly to communicate within our communities to help make things safer for us all.
Read MoreNovember 30 is Small Business Saturday, a “holiday” which encourages shoppers to patronize small, local, brick and mortar businesses. To celebrate SBS, the CCA is spotlighting some of the retails shops in Canton.
Read MoreCopyright 2019 by the Canton Community Association. All rights reserved.