CCA Public Meeting Minutes 11 19 2019

CCA Public Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2019 

The meeting started at 6:35PM at the United Evangelical Church. Mark Edelson, President, introduced himself and thanked everyone for coming. He apologized for the late start. Special thanks to the United Evangelical Church for use of their hall tonight. Also thanks to Spice Squared for the food.

As we usually do, Mark asked if this was the first time anyone was attending a CCA meeting. There were eight people who briefly introduced themselves. There is a free Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner Saturday, November 23 at 5PM at the Church on the Square at 1025 S. Potomac Street.


Haven Street Closure Details – Mark:
Canton Collective is a big development. There is an upcoming temporary closing of Haven Street from O’Donnell Street underpass to Boston Street for about 35 days starting in early December. There were a few ways to have done this; however, this option was felt the best. It will be out in the CCA December newsletter and on social media.

Dumpster Days – Saturday, November 23 – Mark:
There will be a dumpster in the rear of the Broom Factory (3500 Boston Street) starting between 7:30-8A until 1PM or until it is full which could be about 11AM. Someone asked about big appliances. Please call 311 or go online for Bulk Trash.


Public Safety – Joe Koehler:
He wants to get more people involved especially with the Block Captain program. There is a COP walk (more info in the Upcoming Events section). He also mentioned other upcoming meetings. There is a SE Safety Task Force set up through Councilman Zeke Cohen’s office with monthly meetings. Mark said that the CCA has taken a positive approach, but knows there is crime. He said that every creative idea is on the table for public safety. Joe mentioned Arch McKown, the Patterson Park Neighborhood Association Safety Chair. There was a recent article in The Baltimore Sun about him.

Social Committee – Laura London:
Laura spoke a few minutes about this. Mark also thanked her for arranging for the food tonight.

Marketing Committee – Julie Kichline:
Julie spoke about the upcoming Lamp Post Lighting Ceremony on the Square on Wednesday, December 18. Help is always needed. Mark asked for a round of applause for Julie’s work on the monthly newsletter. Mark asked that if anyone who is a member and not getting this should email You need to be a member to receive this. These emails go to Mark and a few others.

Membership Committee – Mark:
This committee is reaching out to businesses. Help is welcome on this committee.

Holiday Events – Mark:
Canton Ace Hardware – Holiday Pet & Family Portraits – November 29 – December 1
Shop Small Saturday – O’Donnell Square businesses – November 30
Sip, Shop and Stroll – O’Donnell Square businesses – December 11
Lamp Post Lighting – O’Donnell Square – December 18

City Council Neighborhood Liaison – Scott Davis:
Scott is the Neighborhood Liaison for the City Council President’s office. He spoke about the Water Equity Act which just passed and is waiting for the Mayor’s signature. There will be an independent and impartial system in place with an office apart from the Department of Public Works (DPW) to handle questionable water bills. This also makes water more affordable to poor residents.

The ban on plastic bags was passed and if it becomes law, it would go into effect the end of 2020. There are some exceptions.

Scott said there are a series of proposals for better accountability in government, a safety comprehensive plan for crime involving all City agencies and gun straw purchases; funding for schools and rec centers. Also there is concern the City is divided due to inequities. They want to force the City to make sure things are being run equitably.

Scott said the upcoming US Census is important for the City. The most undercounted group is children up to five years old.

Patterson Park Funding – Scott Richmond:
Scott is on the Board of the Friends of Patterson Park. He is going out to organizations for help in getting increased funding for the park. He has information at the table in the back of the room. He is urging folks to reach out to our elected officials as well as those running for office. More information is at:

Canton Library – Morgan Stanton:
He is the Manager of the Canton Branch which is the oldest in Baltimore City. He talked about the upcoming Holiday Cookie Contest December 7 for both adults and children. The winners will be selected at 1:15PM that day with two $25 gift certificates from Greedy Reads in Fells Point. There will also be crafts for the children.

There is a book drive for new and gently-used children’s books. These can be taken to the branch until December 14. The Highlandtown Exchange Club and the Police Department will distribute them.

Patterson Park Public Charter School (PPPCS) – Jane Lindenfelser:
Jane spoke about the vacant property on Highland Avenue. This was the site of the Canton Middle School and then FAST (Friendship Academy of Science and Technology). PPPCS is interested in using this facility. They started three years ago to expand. She has fliers in the back. They are still looking at the former site of Our Lady of Fatima school. She is looking for feedback from the community. Jane can be reached at:

SE District Police Department – Lieutenant Gardner and Officer Jake Quase:
Joe introduced Lieutenant Gardner and Officer Quase saying he usually brings two officers to these meetings.

Officer Quase asked that folks keep uploading videos which are helpful. He urged people to keep doors locked saying that many robberies occur when doors are unlocked. Also people should put away their keys and not make them so readily available.

Lieutenant Gardner asked that videos have the necessary information so the police know when and where a crime occurred. Joe said if anyone has questions to please let him know. He also mentioned again the COP walk November 21. Someone asked about morale in the department. Lieutenant Gardner said that in these areas – Canton, Fells Point, Brewers Hill, Bayview and Patterson Park, the people love the police.

Elder Abuse Awareness – Dorothy Allen:
She is with SAFE (Stop Abuse of Elders). She said they have tools to keep elders safe saying that abuse happens in all communities a lot of which is not reported. Financial exploitation is a form of abuse. She also mentioned barriers to reporting abuse. They are not a government agency but rather a nonprofit. Dorothy also has information available. Their contact info is:

Blue Water Baltimore – Taylor Smith-Hams/Barbara Johnson:
Taylor and Barbara spoke about Blue Water keeping watch on water streams. They do outreach advocacy work. They are asking for our help in how to share information. Bacteria is also monitored. More information can be found at:

Canton Smile Studio – Dr. Holleh Tajalli:
She opened about a month ago at 1030 S. Linwood Avenue. She is having an open house on Friday, November 22 from 4:30-7PM.

District One Community Health Action Network (D1CAN) – Alice Kuan:
Alice said they are a “baby” organization just starting located at 3700 Fleet Street. They are trying to get people talking about various issues like health and housing and our priorities. She doesn’t have any information available tonight.

Show Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) – David Cramer:
David said he has been active following the disturbance following Freddie Gray’s death in 2015. He looked for a committee he could join and found SURJ. They work on accountability issues, safety, health and jobs. SURJ also works with CASA. He would like for the City Police to be returned to City control and not the State’s. If any interest, SURJ has a Facebook page. He will be in the back afterwards for any questions.

Historical Markers – Mark:
At this point Mark recognized Dr. Ray Bahr who has done a lot of work here in Canton with historical markers. Mark will let folks know when ceremonial events are scheduled for the markers.

Kirwan Commission Status Update – Maura Taylor:
Maura provided background on school funding and emphasized the importance of remaining engaged. As Dr. Kirwan has said, "We are fighting for the soul of Maryland." The Kirwan Report will go to the General Assembly on 12/1/2019 and there will be legislation during the 2020 session. It will be critical to advocate during the upcoming session. The funds associated with the commission recommendations begin in FY22.

Information can be found on Blueprint For Maryland’s Future at

Upcoming CCA & Partner Events:
COP (Citizens on Patrol) Walks – 3rd Tuesday of the month (different starting points) @7PM
This month it is Thursday, November 21 starting at 801 S. Decker Avenue
Public Safety Interest Meeting – Tuesday, December 3 - upstairs at Southern Provisions on the Square –free appetizers
Community Juvenile Justice Forum – tentatively December 17 at 6:30PM
Southeast Police Dept. (CRC) – 1st Monday of the month @7PM (SE District)
CCA Board Meetings – 1st Wednesday of the month @6:30PM – Broom Factory (No December meeting) –All are welcome
Economic Development Committee (EDC) – 2nd Monday of the month @6:30PM – Broom Factory
Marketing Committee – 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6PM
2020 Public Meetings – Tuesday, February 18, May 19, August 18 and November 17 @ 6:30PM – doors open at 6PM

The meeting ended at 8:05 PM

Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Aversa