Light Up Our Streets - Daylight Savings Sale

Light Up Our Streets - Daylight Savings Sale

Did you know that exterior lighting can help keep our streets and homes safer? A local business, Ace Hardware, is having a Daylight Savings sale to help us “light up our streets”. By adding or upgrading your exterior home lights, you are helping to reduce crime and property damage to residential homes and businesses in your community, while improving neighborhood safety and accessibility.

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The Baltimore Montessori Teaches "Whole Child" Education

The Baltimore Montessori Teaches "Whole Child" Education

It’s September and that means there’s one thing on the minds of Canton parents – sending the kiddos off to school. Canton has several options, both public and private, one being the rather unique Baltimore Montessori. We recently chatted with Laura Robinson the school’s Director. Here’s what she shared about education, the school’s philosophy, and Life in Canton.

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Canton Dog Park Donations Needed

Canton Dog Park Donations Needed

The volunteers at the Canton Dog Park would love your help. In case you didn’t know, the park, the first off-leash dog park in the city, is volunteer-run. Currently, they’re running a little low on waste bags. If you have extra bags and would like to donate, there is a dispenser on-site at the park where you can stuff your extras.

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