COVID-19 Halloween: How to get the thumb's up for fun!

COVID-19 Halloween: How to get the thumb's up for fun!

Has the coronavirus put the kibosh on Halloween fun? We think not, but it’s sure to look a little different this year. Since traditional trick or treating is not the best move in 2020, Team LNC, COTS, and the CCA are working on some fun ideas for virtual and physically distanced celebrations. How about a virtual costume contest or a safely spaced Halloween Parade for the kids and pups? Maybe a prize for the best-decorated house? Or perhaps a virtual pumpkin carving contest?

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Urgent: Billboard Bill

Urgent: Billboard Bill

Residents, we need your help and quickly. You may not be aware that a bill to allow large advertising billboards to be placed on land owned by the railroads and next to Highways is working its way through City Hall. It might sound like “no big deal” however the law, as written, would allow up to 20 billboards per mile of highway.

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