CCA Public Meeting Minutes 9 1 2020

CCA Public Meeting Tuesday, September 1, 2020 VIA ZOOM

The meeting started at 6:45PM. (Questions are being taken or can be emailed to

Presentations – Mark:

Brandon Scott, Candidate for Mayor:
Brandon thanked the CCA for inviting him tonight. He said to him it is clear the City structure is broken. Local government needs to be accountable. He wants to get the small things done first and also tackle other issues. He said the violence issue needs to have all City agencies involved.

He wants to concentrate on the small group which is responsible for the violence. We need to use technology. The police need to get to know the people in the area. A lot of guns come from outside the City. COVID is affecting us. Our budget is hurting and he feels we need help from the federal government. He was asked about the number of COVID infections here in 21224. He will try to get this info.

Mark said he felt Brandon’s remarks were comprehensive. There were a few questions.

Brandon feels that our Board of Estimates should be more efficient. He is looking at how other cities across the country handle this. He wants to figure the best options for Baltimore. Some cities have a separate board to deal with large contracts. Some cities also have people elected to the board.

As far as reallocation of funds for the police he wants a task force. We have to honor the police decree and have to do this responsibly, saying he feels we can reimagine public safety and reallocate funds in a responsible way.

Is there data about guns coming from out of state? Brandon said the Afro did a story last year. He can get that info.

Someone asked about in-patient behavioral plans. He feels these programs don’t always work. He wants to challenge some of the current programs. He feels mandatory minimums don’t work and haven’t had an effect on crime. We need a comprehensive plan.

Brandon said volunteers are helping with recycling. The DPW (Department of Public Works) workers are working hard. He is questioning DPW and will help with their work. A link will be supplied for recycling places. Mark asked Brandon to let us know when he is in the Canton area.

More questions can be compiled and sent to Brandon.

Brooke Lierman, 46th District State Delegate:
Brooke introduced herself and mentioned our State Senator Bill Ferguson, Delegates Luke Clippinger and Robbyn Lewis.

Brooke spoke about how we vote on November 3 in the General Election. There are many opportunities to vote. She said unlike the June primary when we were mailed a ballot, everyone will be receiving an application for a ballot. This can also be done online. If put in a mailbox, it has to be postmarked by November 3. There will be ballot drop-off boxes (locations tbd). If you get a ballot and decide not to use it, you have to do a provisional one at the polling place (locations tbd). At this point Amanda showed a page from the Maryland Board of Elections. Brooke assured us that the drop-off boxes are safe.

The ballots should be mailed out in late September. She thinks that mail-in voting is better. This also gives people a chance to look up the candidates.

Her website is Her email address is:

She thanked the people here in the southeast that have pulled together. She also made a final statement to please fill out the Census.

There were a few questions. Someone asked if the General Assembly will possibly have a special session. She said it’s not likely. One reason is the pandemic.

There were a lot of bills vetoed by the Governor. It would take a long time to overrule them. We are the only General Assembly in the country that cannot add money to the budget. They cannot affect current budgeting. There could possibly be an amendment to change this although it wouldn’t take effect until 2022 if passed. She isn’t sure about Governor Hogan’s further relaxing of rules.

She thanked the CCA for their hard work.

Announcements – Mark:

Baltimore Election - Mark:
Mark feels that the election was covered. He put in a plug for younger election judges since the judges are usually older and are more at risk.

Canton History Project - Mark:
He spoke about this saying the name might change. The first official meeting was Tuesday, August 25. This was started in the wake of reckoning across the country. The CCA is taking a look at slavery, the statue in O’Donnell Square of Captain John O’Donnell, etc. There are subcommittees dealing with a lot of issues. Mark said more diverse voices are needed. This group will also discuss whether or not the statue stays in the park.

O’Donnell Square – Torbin Green:
The streets are shut down seven days a week. This is part of the process. He appreciates everyone’s patience. There are also dining tables Thursday-Sunday 5P-dusk in the Square. He showed the flier “O’Donnell Street & Square”. Tray Smith is sanitizing the tables and asking for tips. Recs & Parks gave their permission. There is a fire lane. Deliveries are allowed. There is no overnight parking. The lighting is in progress. Torbin asked that if anyone sees people pulling at the flowers, to please say something. He is looking for volunteers for the Square. Folks can email

The elderly can park near M&T. The residents of the 1000 and 1100 blocks of Curley Street have permits. Parking is only for those residents.

Someone asked if there is a long-range plan for the Square. Torbin is looking at the master plan done about a decade ago and hopes to have a community meeting. They are getting advice and opinions.

It was brought up about Lee’s (Pint and Shell on Linwood Avenue and Hudson Street). Torbin said this is an issue for the DOT (Department of Transportation), and nothing we can do about it. Mark has seen communication among DOT, community members and council members who want to help businesses and also do it right. They are working on this.

Brick Program – Lauren Davino:
She said the purchase of bricks helps with the Square’s expenses. The cost of a commemorative brick is $70. The cost of a duplicate one is $35 with felt on the bottom. Her next order will be done in about a week. This is the O’Donnell Square Buy-A-Brick Program on the CCA website.

Presentation: Department of Public Works – Acting Director Matt Garbark:
Matt thanked us for inviting him. He is a member of the CCA. He gave us an update saying this is not a great scenario. There was a shutdown in June due to COVID at the Bowleys Lane location. It has since been restored in early July. The workers were dealing with COVID and hot weather was not anticipated. There have been a lot out on medical leave. That’s why they couldn’t continue both collections and decided to just focus on trash. Matt said other cities have had the same issues. Wearing masks also resulted in heat-related issues.

He said they need 210 workers, 140 laborers and 70 drivers every day. However, they only averaged 150 the last week or so. Saying he believes in recycling, it is not true that all recycling goes in the landfill. He is being asked tough questions. He said they want to make things better. He hopes to restart this before November 1. There is a contract with Waste Management for recycling.

He has received a lot of thank yous. He feels that the workers are wonderful people. The retention rate is 20% after the first week. Many of the workers have been at their jobs a long time. Recycling can be in paper bags. However, if in plastic bags, the bags need to be emptied as plastic can hurt machines. Workers are there to help. It was also mentioned that if someone says you owe a fee, that is wrong.

Someone asked about problem water bills. The department is continuing an audit. He asked that people email him with their address. His email address is:

The recycling center here in the southeast is at 3311 Eastbourne Avenue not too far from Canton Crossing. Folks can also go to other City sites. Mark sent our sincere thanks to the DPW.

Public Safety – Joe Koehler:
He mentioned the Block Captain program. He asked if Block Captains can help with recycling by organizing this project on their block and help those who cannot get to the centers during the day. If someone needs to find if there is a block captain on their street, please contact

There have been a few changes at the Southeast Police District. Usually we have one or two officers and SE Command at our meetings. Major Snead has been reassigned to Major Crimes. Captain Hopkins was essentially the acting Major during the transition from Major Brown to Major Snead, and Major Snead had really been put in place for Captain Hopkins to transition to the Major of the SE District. Captain Boyd is our new Captain. Sergeant Merino who worked with us before is back as a Lieutenant and replaced Lieutenant Gardner, who is planning on retiring soon.

Joe is trying to figure a way to have COP walks, but those will be on hold so long as we have to social distance.

Joe mentioned the “Get Lit” campaign speaking on behalf of Chris Broughton and showed the flier. The initiatives are to get café lights on streets as well as turning on porch lights. Amanda stressed block captains as a point of contact.

Hampstead Hill Academy (HHA) Fundraiser – Adrienne Ekas-Mueting:
HHA will be starting virtually. The in-person summer school went well. The annual fundraiser date changed three times. It will now be in the spring of 2021. There may be something before that time. The folks at HHA have been hit hard and donations are welcome. She can be reached at

Shredding Program – Amanda:
There will be a neighborhood shredder day on Saturday, September 19 from 10A-1P at the Canton Waterfront. It is sponsored by Masters Title and Escrow, Cummings and Co. – The Blazer Team and Jack Hinder/First Home Mortgage. More info will follow.

Dumpster – Amanda:
The plan is to have one on Saturday, October 10. The last one filled up pretty quickly. Possibly we can get another one also. Usually we have four per year.

Committees – Amanda:
Amanda said help is always needed on the Social, Marketing and Transportation committees. She mentioned Elliott Plack as being a great community member. He helped with Facebook (Canton Neighbors) and transportation issues.

Mark asked that if people have questions, to please let us know. We will try to be responsive. Membership is $10 a year and comes with a monthly enewsletter.

The meeting ended at 8:15PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Aversa