CCA Public Meeting Minutes: 02.18.2025
/Welcoming remarks: Amanda Bourgeois, CCA President: Amanda welcomed everyone saying we are a group of volunteers. She thanked Tutti Gusti’s for the pizzas.
Read MoreWelcoming remarks: Amanda Bourgeois, CCA President: Amanda welcomed everyone saying we are a group of volunteers. She thanked Tutti Gusti’s for the pizzas.
Read MoreAmanda Bourgeois, CCA President, welcomed everyone. She thanked Claddagh Pub for the food tonight. Also thanks go to the United Evangelical Church for hosting the meeting.
Read MoreThe CCA will host a hybrid Public Meeting on May 21 at 6:30 pm. We’re going to fill you in on CCA news and we’ll field some questions, too. Join us in person at the United Evangelical Church at 3200 Dillon Street (enter via East Ave. and go downstairs) or watch online on our FB page.
Read MoreAmanda Bourgeois, President, welcomed people and said the meeting was being live streamed on Facebook. She asked if any new members were here tonight.
Read MoreWelcoming remarks: Doug Kaufman, CCA EDC Chair, welcomed everyone in Amanda Bourgeois’ absence.
Read MoreAmanda Bourgeois, CCA President, welcomed everyone saying we are having a hybrid format. She thanked NiHao for the food tonight. They are located at 2322 Boston Street. Also thanks go to the United Evangelical Church.
Read MoreThe next quarterly CCA Public Meeting is on Tuesday, September 13 from 6:30-8:00 pm. It will be a hybrid, both in-person at the United Evangelical Church at 3200 Dillon Street (enter from East Ave.) and via Zoom. Look for more details on our social media closer to the event or email
Read MoreMark encouraged people to join the CCA for $10 which includes getting the monthly newsletter as well as being able to vote on public-related issues at meetings. Board elections are tonight with officer elections at the March Board meeting. He said it has been a wonderful four years as he is not running again for President.
Read MoreMark opened the meeting at 6:30PM thanking people for joining the August meeting. He hopes to get all the information needed to people. Questions can be posted throughout the meeting. He said he hoped more would join on Facebook. He said it is a privilege to be President of the CCA. We are a member-driven organization. He mentioned a few of the things we are doing - the monthly newsletter sent to members, the work in O’Donnell Square Park and more. He urged people to become members.
Read MoreCopyright 2019 by the Canton Community Association. All rights reserved.