CCA Public Meeting Minutes: 5.21.2024

CCA Public Meeting: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 – (Questions Can Be Submitted on Facebook)

Location: United Evangelical Church (Dillon Street and East Avenue)

The meeting started at 6:35PM.

Welcoming remarks: Amanda Bourgeois, CCA President, welcomed everyone.

She thanked Claddagh Pub for the food tonight. Also thanks go to the United Evangelical Church for hosting the meeting.


Merritt Clubs – Canton – Dave - Management Team:

He said his club is “awesome”. Since the pandemic there have been social, health and wellness upticks. He mainly encouraged any sort of physical activity.

Public Safety Camera/Fortius Security – Amanda/Rob Hood:

There are cameras at the Loading Dock and streets and businesses around O’Donnell Square. These cameras can pick up more than the cameras of businesses.

There is a process in place for viewing the footage with the CCA’s Public Safety Committee involved. The CCA is also working with other neighborhoods who received grant funding.

Street Sweeping- Amanda:

An email from the City was emailed out to CCA members regarding this project which involves getting a petition signed by neighbors in favor of this.

Patterson Park Pool:

This will open starting Saturday, May 25. From 5/25 – 6/14 the hours including weekends will be 11A-3P and 4-8P. Full summer hours will be announced later.

Transportation (Promenade Walkway) – Stephen Washington:

He said the area at Aliceanna and Boston Streets is a success story. With help from Councilman Zeke Cohen’s office the right of way from Aliceanna Street down to the harbor has been restored. The gardens will be maintained hopefully with a choice of plants.

Antiracism Alliance – John Ford:

John spoke about the 2nd Annual Juneteenth Frederick Douglass Walk. This is between the historical markers where Frederick Douglass boarded his train to escape slavery to the point where the train turned northward toward Philadelphia. More information will be coming for this Wednesday, June 19 walk.

The Alliance is working on a project to add historical context to O’Donnell Square Park since the original Captain O’Donnell marker was removed in 2020. A process is being proposed to rename the park. Names will be submitted to the Department of Public Works (DPW). Volunteers can contact the CCA if interested in helping.

Dumpster Day/Shred Truck – Maura Taylor:

This will be Saturday, June 1 behind the Safeway. It usually arrives between 7-8:30A until it is full. Dr. Nunley (DPW) asked about monitoring it. Maura said people will be present. There will be a shredding truck courtesy of Holmes Glorioso Home Group here in Canton.

Parks Committee – Kurt Hoffman/Alex:

Kurt spoke about volunteers helping with monthly cleanups. There are meetings every two weeks on Zoom.

He mentioned the Harris Creek Water Partnership. He hopes to have movie nights again in the Square.

Two Rivers Park (Potomac Street near Hudson) may be the site of a fundraiser. Kurt would like to get rid of the grass and put in sedges.


Southeast District Police:

Major Alberto Colon and Officers Grant and Sanders were present. Major Colon said he wants his officers out and about and to engage with the community. He also said in the past 30 days there has been a 60% decrease in crime. Questions were taken. Anything about illegal fireworks should be reported to 911. As the weather gets warmer and people congregate on the Canton Waterfront, this will be on the police radar. The issuing of Quality-of-Life Citations has to meet certain criteria. Steps are being taken to make them more effective for police writing them.

Someone asked about the possibility of active shooters and how to have churches know what to do.

The first responders identify and contain the situation. Structures and their entrances can be assessed.

Enforcement is being done for pedestrian crossings.

District 46 Legislative Session Wrap-Up – Delegates Luke Clippinger and Mark Edelson:

Luke is on the House Judiciary Committee which covers family law. An End of Session letter concerning the issues this committee handled will be available soon. He can be contacted at for a copy. He added that passing the balanced budget was challenging.

Luke handed out his letter highlighting the 446th session including: Juvenile Justice System, the Collapse of the Key Bridge, Funding for Local Organizations in the Budget, Environment and Energy, Consumer Protection, Gun Safety, Civil Rights and Equity, Education, Healthcare, Transportation, Housing and Protections for Judges and Election Officials.

Delegate Edelson (former President of the CCA):

Mark thanked volunteers who worked on the earlier election. He also thanked those who ran for First District Council position – Mark Parker (winner) and Joe Koehler were two of the three candidates present at the meeting.

Mark is the Vice Chair of the Transportation and Environment Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee.

He also passed out his letter. He said the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (public education system) has been fully funded through FY27. The letter noted Mandatory Funding for Locally Operated Transit Systems, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Legislation, Motor Vehicle Off-Street Parking Requirements Near Mass Transit Stations, MobilityLink Paratransit Service Improvements Study, Transportation and Climate Alignment Act and the PORT Act.

Thread – Gaviota Herandez

This has resources to help young people. Information was left at the table in the back of the room.

Councilman Zeke Cohen’s Office Update - Ash Nicholes:

The lights should be back on now in the Square, and he will get an update. Councilman Cohen and Mayor Brandon Scott will attend the opening of the Patterson Park pool. Zeke and Mark Parker are working on the transition for Mark to the City Council.

Department of Public Works (DPW) – Dr. Larry Nunley:

Dr. Nunley gave out his cell number – 443-615-2626; his email address is:

A woman of Latino descent will be taking his place. He said issues should be called into 311 and a confirmation number will be given. He should be called with this information.

He had printed materials available for: Sewage problems, Residential Affordability Programs for water bills, Federal Government (Baltimore Service Line Partnership) about lead pipes, Residential Drop-Off Centers, Sanitation Guide and DPW Volunteer Network.

Please do not put wipes in the toilets. Fines can be issued for not having a trash can. Housing takes care of bags in the yard

If we see anything leaking from a garbage truck, please call this in so the street/alley can be cleaned and the truck fixed.

Closing Remarks – Amanda:

Membership cost is $10 a year which includes a monthly newsletter as well as other emails.

You can reach us at if you are interested in the Get Lit Program or the O’Donnell Square Park Buy-A-Brick program (also being sold at the Canton Dog Park).

The meeting officially adjourned at 8:20PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Aversa