CCA Year in Review; Ready for 2022!

The CCA is like an iceberg. Our members appreciate the positive results they see in our community, but they rarely get a glimpse of the hard work, dedication, and intense level of volunteerism behind the scenes. This issue features a letter from our outgoing President who shares his experience as well as a list of 2021 accomplishments and 2022 goals from our board members and committee chairs to show you what’s “under the water”.

Always looking forward

Dear fellow Cantonites,

This year’s annual Presidential holiday greeting is very bittersweet for me as it will be my final one as your President. Following our annual Board Member elections (held at the February public meeting), I will be stepping down as President to pursue an opportunity that I hope will be extremely impactful for our neighborhood and beyond. I will, however, remain an active member of the board and a willing resource for anyone in need of my assistance. The last 4 years as your President have been some of the most rewarding and challenging of my life.

When I was first elected, I set out some goals for the board to accomplish together: 1) re-establish a regular forum for communicating information to the community (the monthly newsletter “Life in Canton” was born); 2) improve opportunities for engagement with young families and our senior (albeit young at heart) neighbors; 3) and work to create a more welcoming and inclusive neighborhood. (While I also stated that I would like to see the conclusion of the Dypski Park re-development during my Presidency, in hindsight that might be a more realistic goal for my future grandchildren to pursue). 

Looking back on the last 4 years, we accomplished all of these goals together and so much more. In addition to our highly-touted monthly newsletter, we also sponsored Light Night Canton, started a Canton Farmers Market, facilitated WTMD First Thursdays in Canton Waterfront Park, produced a wildly successful Mayor Candidate Forum, created the Canton Anti-Racism Alliance (and removed the statue of Captain John O’Donnell from the Square), hosted our first official Juneteenth celebration and unveiled the Frederick Douglass historic panels, completed the Canton History Project, planted trees, cleaned and greened our parks, and most recently, joined together to provide assistance to neighbors in need as we collectively tackle a global pandemic.

I am often asked by our neighbors around the City: “Wow! Canton is such a well-run community association, how do you do it??” To which my response is always the same, “It is because of the board members and volunteers who give so willingly and graciously of their time.” I am so proud of all the work we have done together, for each other, and for our future. These are not my accomplishments; these are our accomplishments. To list all of the help and support I have received from each board member and volunteer would take 3 lifetimes, but I do want to acknowledge my Vice-President, Amanda Bourgeois. I have never met a more tireless and dedicated community servant.

Don’t get me wrong, I know that it is not all sunshine and rainbows either. As I complete my tenure, our beloved City has recently surpassed yet another grim crime statistic and our neighbors continue to suffer the impacts of drug use, homelessness, and mass incarceration. Not to mention that microscopic bug that is intent on wiping out all of humanity. So let me leave you with this: my mom (also my biggest hero) always used to tell me “Only the test of fire makes fine steel.” Yes, we have been tested. But we are resilient, and we will be better for it. I am so excited to see what the future holds for us. And I promise you, you will be in fine hands.

Yours always,
Mark Edelson

The Canton Community Association Board thanks Mark for his leadership, tireless service, friendship, and continuing dedication to our community. Check back next month for the roast… oh, we mean retrospective ;-)

Amanda Bourgeois, Vice President
2021 Accomplishments
- Successfully held board and public meetings via Zoom
- Onboarded a CCA Admin and additional members to the Membership Committee
- Liaised with new Business Members to help expand their local networking capabilities
- Identified and organized the ODSP Redesign team
- Recruited neighborhood professionals to help with grant writing resulting in Park N Play Grant in support of upgrades for ODSP

2022 Goals:
- Continue to recruit volunteers for committees
- Work to get a plan in place for the Redesign of ODSP
- Increase communications with CCA Individual and Business members
- Collaborate with Patterson Park Sustainability team to bring composting to Canton
- Continue to apply for new grants

Torbin Green, Outreach/Friends O’Donnell Square Park/Rec & Parks Liaison

2021 Accomplishments
- Organized and participated in community cleanups and plantings at O'Donnell Square Park (ODSP)
- Hung string lights, sun sails and added temporary tables in ODSP
- Worked with Canton Anti-Racism Alliance to remove Statue from ODSP

2022 Goals
- Maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of O'Donnell Square Park
- Monitor and maintain the upkeep of Canton Waterfront Park for events and individual use
- Usher in a new collaboration with Dypski Park and Baltimore City Rec and Parks
- Work with O'Donnell Square Park Redesign Team to provide more multi-purpose use for the community

Joe Koehler, Treasurer

2021 Accomplishments
- Reconciled 2020 P&L activity
- Created new reports (treasurer, bank detail, membership, expense) to track relevant data and improve processes
- Assisted outside CPA with tax information/filing
- Volunteered with Canton Canopy plantings, square & block cleanups, and other CCA events

2022 Goals
- Help create budgets for programs and committees
- Expand the role of the Finance Committee and implement cradle-to-grave management of future grants
- Work with the membership committee to increase overall membership
- Continue to volunteer at CCA/community events, cleanups, etc.

Denise Adversa, Secretary

2021 Accomplishments

- Wrote and distributed CCA Holiday Cards 

- Learned a new way to organize and take meeting notes

- Volunteered at CCA community events including helping to monitor on dumpster day

- Attended all CCA Board and Public meetings as well as some committee meetings - EDC, SE Task Force Meetings

- Served as Block Captain sharing information with my neighbors

2022 Goals
- Encourage more neighbors to join the CCA
- Continue to get board meeting minutes in a more modern, effective format


Doug Kaufman, Economic Development
2021 Accomplishments
- Liaise and track communications between our community, builders, and government

- Facilitated community discussions with developers for St. Brigid development project

2022 Goals
- Continue to liaise and track communications between our community, builders, and government
- Negotiate an MOU for Lee's Pint & Shell and neighbors for outdoor events
- Work with Transportation Committee to continue to learn and be thoughtful on development as it relates to transportation issues

Joe Kohler, Public Safety
2021 Accomplishments
- Increased Block Captains to 160/103 blocks (up 56 Captains, total coverage 35%)
- Created a new FB Group for Block Captains and initiated quarterly Block Captain meetings
- Increased Get Lit Canton coverage to 60 blocks
- Reformatted the COP Walks to be Improvement Walks to increase visibility to the community of all of the great work CCA is doing and to help encourage membership and engagement

- Increase awareness of and participation in the Block Captain and Get Lit projects; continue meetings and walks
- Host an event for companies that are in the security camera and security system industry to glean information for our community
- Work with surrounding communities and police to have a COP Bike Ride to cover as much of the district as possible to strengthen intra-community relationships
- Work with the Southeastern Police Community Relations Council (SEDP-CRC) to resume monthly meetings

Chris Broughton, Transportation
2021 Accomplishments
- Worked with Councilman Zeke Cohen on developing and implementing O’Donnell Street Speed Study plan
- Continued push for complete streets (building roadways for all users, not just automobiles)
- Worked with transit engineers to build out city cycle network and connect to existing infrastructure 

2022 Goals
- Focus on problem intersections within Canton to improve safety and reduce car accidents
- Partner with the other waterfront community associations to focus on improving water taxi service and push for it to become commuter-focused
- Work with affected communities and transit engineers to build and improve the city’s cycle network

Zach Spedden and Julie Kichline, Marketing/Newsletter
2021 Accomplishments
- Informed and engaged community via monthly newsletter and social media platforms
- Produced quarterly CCA popups in ODSP to increase community awareness and membership
- Worked with Canton Anti-Racism Alliance (Statue, Outreach, Events, Event Registration Forms, Design, Promotion)
- Created promotional campaigns for Get Lit Canton, Reusable Totes, Frederick Douglass event, community fundraisers, and more
- Worked with Dr. Bahr to support and promote the Canton History Project including designing an interactive map
- Worked with CCA committees to add more information about Block Captains and other programs to the CCA website
- Coordinated CCA fundraisers with &Pizza, State Farm, and Five Guys

2022 Goals
- Engage community and support Canton businesses/organizations with informative content via Life in Canton, social media platforms, and other non-digital communication methods
- Work with Membership Committee to increase community awareness, participation, volunteerism, membership, etc.
- Design and offer more CCA merchandise
- Plan larger community event / CCA fundraiser (covid permitting)
- Recruit new Marketing Committee members to attend and photograph CCA and other community events
- Continue to support and liaise communications and interaction for the CCA with neighboring organizations

Jayne Miller, Canton Dog Park
2020 Accomplishments
 - Worked with volunteers to ensure safety protocols were followed

2021 Goal
- Engage more volunteers
- Continue to try to mitigate the pooling of water after heavy rains
- Fix water leak
- Level the sand at the fence line and install a retaining wall to protect the fence from sand piling up

Dorothy Allen, Membership (Photo of Dorothy & Megan)
2021 Accomplishments
- Distributed welcome packages to new members
- Represented the CCA at multiple community Popup events

2022 Goals
- Engage with the community and increase membership
- Provide support for older adults in our community

Adrienne Ekas, Education
2021 Accomplishments
• Worked with school representatives to compile regular updates for Life In Canton, the CCA e-newsletter
• Worked with CCA Marketing Committee to plan how to support and share information about our community schools

2022 Goals
• Spotlight school Open Houses
• Collect and share information about school programs, events, fundraisers, etc.
• Continue to work with the schools and CCA Marketing Team to provide current information in the CCA newsletter
• Discuss and possibly produce a Community Education Fair

Lauren Mallon Davino, O’Donnell Square Park Buy-A-Brick Program
2021 Accomplishments 
- Sold 301 bricks since 2017 bricks to fundraise for the upkeep of O’Donnell Square Park  
- Identified new brick locations in the park since the areas around the flower beds are full and no longer have available openings for commemorative bricks

2022 Goals 
- Designate 3 set times of the year for brick "drives" to meet the brick manufacturer order minimum

- Identify new additional potential commemorative opportunities inside O’Donnell Square Park and throughout the neighborhood 

Michael Woollen, Canton Tree Canopy

2021 Accomplishments
 - Planted 50+ trees in Canton, many on Clinton St.
- Recruited new volunteers

2022 Goals
- Continue to increase the tree canopy in Canton
- Plant trees on Potomac Avenue and throughout the neighborhood

Sheila Anderson, Canton Anti-Racism Alliance (Photo of Sheila and Dr. Ray)
2021 Accomplishments
- The Canton Anti-Racism Alliance gathered like-minded community volunteers dedicated to affecting long-term, impactful changes to foster a more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and welcoming community
- Led efforts to remove statue of Captain John O’Donnell from O’Donnell Square Park (removal April 5, 2021)
- Formed an Alliance Outreach Committee
- Co-hosted A Conversation with Dr. Lawrence Brown, author of The Black Butterfly: The harmful politics for race and space in America
- Co-hosted Frederick Douglass Historic Panel Unveiling on Juneteenth, which included a presentation from a Hampstead Hill Academy student

2022 Goals
- Facilitate more “Conversations With” to provide educational opportunities to the community through events facilitated by experts
- Co-host a Conversation with Dr. Stanley Andrisse 1/19/22 -
- Revise Canton History timeline to reflect the role of Indigenous people and people of African descent more accurately in the story of our neighborhood's development.
- Spotlight legislature that supports anti-racism, equity and equality
- Co-host a Juneteenth event for SE Baltimore
- Select and submit a new name for O’Donnell Square Park

Maura Taylor, Board Member
2021 Accomplishments
- Co-organized with Sheila Anderson four successful community dumpster days
- Began the process of reviewing the CCA bylaws
- Assisted with the coordination of the first Canton Juneteenth Day and unveiling of the Frederick Douglass historical markers

2022 Goals

- Execute successful community dumpster days

- Complete the review of the CCA bylaws

- Assist with the planning of a Canton Juneteenth celebration


Vic Victoriano, Board Member
2021 Accomplishments
- Active with Anti-Racism Alliance and its efforts to remove the statue of Captain John O'Donnell
- Volunteered at Community Dumpster Day and CCA Sustainability Popup
- Attended CCA O'Donnell Square Park clean up in April
- Assisted in broadcast of CCA Public meetings on FB

2022 Goals

- Increase my involvement in CCA activities to engage more community members
- Continue to work with Anti-Racism Alliance to make our community a more welcoming place for all people
- Continue to work as liaison between CCA and Hampstead Hill Academy

Emily Todd D’Aoust, Board Member (Photo of Emily on bike/w/bag)
2021 Accomplishments
- Co-organized Canton Community safety walks throughout the year
- Attended Southeast District BPD meetings to inform the community and build positive relationships
- Represented the CCA at the Canton Day of Giving
2022 Goals
- Help organize a security information seminar with camera vendors and BPD
- Assist in re-launch of the social committee
- Volunteer in as many ways as possible to benefit the community and families in need

Dr. Raymond Bahr, Founder/Historian Canton History Project
2021 Accomplishments
- Completed installation of 8 historic markers to spotlight the Canton Company and Industrial Revolution in Canton
- Deduced location of train station from which Frederick Douglass departed Baltimore and created historic panels to document his historic escape to freedom 
- Worked with Baltimore National Heritage Area (BNHA), CCA, and the Canton Anti-Racism Alliance to produce and co-host the unveiling of the Frederick Douglass panels on Canton’s first Juneteenth celebration; spoke at the event
- Documented the First Navy Yard in the United States where the First Frigate Constellation was launched in 1797
- Research and documented that Harris Creek (which lies under the Safeway) was covered due to bridge and transportation needs during the Industrial Revolution

2022 Goals

- Work with artist Tom Chalkley to complete and install new panels with map of Canton Company at the Collective at Canton
- Work with inclusive committee to help to plan Canton/SE Juneteenth event
- Form committee to plan the 200th Anniversary (in 2028) of the Canton Company that was considered the earliest, most successful Industrial Park Development in America's History
- Work with CHAP to make the Railroad Transfer Bridge a National Historic Landmark that represents the Industrial Revolution that took place in Canton (1828-1980s)
- Work with the Baltimore Greenway Trails Network to develop the Canton section as the Frederick Douglass Freedom Trail that headed north through the Collective at Canton