Anthony Nastasi Jr., aka Mr. Nice Guy


When Anthony Nastasi Jr. launched Mr. Nice Guy Cocktails in March, he figured it would be a temporary concept. Little did he know he would create the local role model for contactless dining (and drinking) during a global pandemic. Let’s go behind the pineapple to learn more about this “Nice Guy”. 

So tell us, how did a Jersey guy end up creating custom cocktails during a pandemic in Baltimore?

Chance. And luck. I moved to Baltimore from the Jersey Shore on a whim 8 years ago after my mother passed from cancer. I had worked in liquor stores my whole life, so when I finally discovered the Baltimore bar scene, I loved it.

I was working at Wicked Sisters in Hampden as their Beverage Director when I started thinking about opening my own place. My friend Chris had pushed me to explore it and mentioned it to someone else over a beer.  Fast forward to some conversations pre-covid about a spot in Fells Point (we almost ended up there) and then the pandemic hit. Pauline Guiragoss, the owner of our location at 800 Kenwood (perhaps previously best known as Gitan), offered us a chance to do something at the Canton location and it turned out to be an excellent twist of fate!

The original concept behind Mr. Nice Guy Cocktails, launched in late March, was a PopUp for cocktails-to-go created to help out a few bartenders just trying to make it through the pandemic. But being such a nice guy, our Canton neighbors loved Mr. Pineapple and his cocktails, so he/we decided to stay and expand.

You’re known for your contactless service and following strict covid-19 guidelines. Tell us about your procedure. 

We just decided early on the lack of guidelines really put us at risk. So we looked at the places that were having problems and just started to peel back layers until we felt we developed a procedure we could control including contactless service, reserved seating, and daily disinfectant spraying. 

We practice contactless service on-site and off. You make a reservation online, order straight from our digital menu, and we deliver it to your table. Or if you prefer carryout, order pickup via our doorbell located on the corner of Fait/Kenwood. We also offer FREE delivery to Canton and Fell’s Point.  

To this day we have not served a guest inside and it’s been the same 6 people in the building now for almost 5 months. We are fortunate to not have had any issues to date.  


How did the Mr. Nice Guy concept evolve as the pandemic continued? 

We started as a takeout only cocktail bar that we served out of a window under our staircase. We bought special containers and labeled them with our now famous Pineapple Dude, aka Mr. Nice Guy. 

Off the bat, our Brown Butter Old Fashion (Allen Wrench) and Pineapple Express (Pineapple Marg) were our most popular. Over the summer our frozen menu dubbed “The BlendTender” featured ten different frozen cocktails that were blended to order.  

We then moved to an onsite experience with multiple large-format cocktails. With the on-site we just tried to get people to escape the here and now. It was interesting when we opened outside because it was like running two different concepts.  

Now as the winter kicks in we will focus on takeout and delivery. We will be launching our virtual cocktail club this week. Think Happy Hour get together once a week for a cocktail class and some convo. We will deliver or you can pickup the kit and even if you can’t make the class it will be recorded for you to follow along at home. One-week kits will start at $30 and a month (4 different kits) will be $100. This will include 2 cocktails, free delivery, and an interactive class with us.  

As for food we just try to keep it simple and do it right. We feature 3 tacos (al pastor, brisket, and chicken banh mi) and a baked wing special (Thai chili, Bourbon BBQ, and Garlic Parm).

What are some of your favorite cocktails for the Holiday season? 

With over 50 cocktails, our menu started to get hard to read online. So we started breaking the menus down more into categories. Under our “specialties” you’ll find 20 of our original cocktails that we feel best represent our skills/team. Experimental/Seasonal is where you’ll find the fun, cool stuff we would normally be like “Hey, you wanna try something?” when you were sitting at the bar but now we have a whole menu for it!  

Under “LARGE Format ” you’ll find what was our onsite experience menu along with a plethora of other larger format cocktails for you to enjoy a “few” times at home. We found that over the summer people wanted a lot of options to mix it up but as we head into winter people are starting to find weekly favorites and stick to them. If you don’t see what you want give us a call! We can have a chat and make you something just for you.  

When you’re not masterminding cocktails, what do you do for fun?

I really enjoy golf. I’m sometimes really good and sometimes really bad. It’s a brutal sport sometimes. Oh, wait, you said fun ...  

What do you like most about working in Canton?

The people!  

I lived right next to Baltimore Taphouse when I first moved here. It was the first bar in the neighborhood where I felt like I was finally home. The countless stories from old and new. I felt I moved to Canton when the neighborhood was experiencing a change (right before the target!) and I always said it was the most Jersey Shore of all the neighborhoods!

 What else would you like the community to know? 

We do not plan to open inside until March of next year. Remember us when you are getting takeout or you want something sip on at home. We are just 4 bartenders trying to keep our families warm and stay healthy. Be kind. Be smart. And where a damn mask!



Along with what Anthony shared, the CCA wants you to know that Mr. Nice Guy Cocktails is also very supportive and kind to our neighborhood. Anthony reached out to both the CCA and Team LNC to brainstorm joint projects like the Halloween Pumpkin Carving Fundraiser. And, he’s always ready to donate a gift card for a CCA raffle or contest. Basically, he’s on board with almost anything that will support and help our community. We look forward to much collaboration to come!

To learn more or to order, here are the details.

Mr. Nice Guy Cocktails

443-708-2169 | 800 S Kenwood Ave | @mr.niceguybmore

To order online:

Open 7 Days a Week for Carryout or Delivery