CCA Public Meeting
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
The meeting started at 6:35PM at the United Evangelical Church. Mark Edelson, President, introduced himself and welcomed everyone. He introduced Sam from Jasa Kabob and thanked him for the food tonight.
He welcomed all attending and recognized his students from Goucher College at the back of the hall.
Mark said the Board election will take place tonight asking CCA members to please vote. Those up for election (reelection) will speak a little later.
He mentioned that Julie Kichline will be collecting the ballots. Julie helps with the CCA’s monthly newsletter emailed to members ($10 a year membership). Mark asked that if members aren’t getting this, to please let him or Amanda know since there is probably a glitch.
Community Meeting with Police Commissioner Nominee (Michael Harrison) – Mark:
There is a community meeting Wednesday, February 20 at 7PM at Patterson Park Charter School on Baltimore Street near Lakewood Avenue. He urged folks to attend.
O’Donnell Square Park Brick Program – Lauren Mallon Davino:
Mark introduced Lauren who took over the Brick Program a little over a year ago. He called her a great volunteer. Lauren said bricks can be ordered online for $70 and $35 for an additional one to keep which has felt on the bottom. She said over 170 have been sold since she took over and the money helps with the O’Donnell Square upkeep. A certificate is given to those purchasing a brick.
Rhythm and Reels 2019 – Matt Lasinski:
Matt is a Board member as well as President of the O’Donnell Square Business Association.
Four movies will be shown on the Square: June 12, July 17, August 21 and September 18 (all Wednesdays).
O’Donnell Square Park Upkeep – Torbin Green:
Starting in March every second Saturday, there will be a cleanup in conjunction with Recs & Parks. Torbin said this is on the Facebook page. He asked that people come out to help keep the park beautiful.
Mark said that the CCA Board is the most dedicated he has seen. He gave special mention and a round of applause to Torbin. Mark also recognized Ms. Joi as being a recent Volunteer of the Year. She helped with a pedestrian crossing on Boston Street.
Canton Canopy Tree Planting Update – Michael Woollen:
Michael said 146 trees have been planted in the area around Montford and Highland Avenues and Hudson and Dillon Streets. He will plant another thirty in the spring with plans for 150 in 2020. Mulching will be done Saturday, May 4 and asked people to help. He can be contacted by those wanting to help and also for any complaints.
Public Safety Committee – Joe Koehler:
Joe said he can always use more volunteers. This committee started in 2018 along with COP (Citizens on Patrol) Walks being reinstated. The next COP walk is Thursday, February 21, at 7PM starting at O’Donnell Pub on Fleet and Potomac Streets. On these walks, he has noticed lack of lighting. A project is under way to give out lights. Joe would like someone to handle block captain duties making sure neighbors get lights. He also mentioned cameras
He mentioned two meetings: The SE Public Safety Task Force (Councilman Zeke Cohen’s group) meeting the second Thursdays of the month either at the SE Anchor Library or St. Elizabeth’s on Baltimore Street.
The other meeting is the Southeast Police Dept. Community Relations Committee (CRC) the first Monday of the month at 7PM.
SE District Police – Major Tomecha S.Brown and Captain Brian Hopkins:
Major Brown was promoted in January. She has been on the Police force for 19 years in various areas.
She gave some safety tips and feels this community is working together. She urged people to lock their doors (after some homes with unlocked doors were burglarized). Also please don’t leave anything of value showing in the car.
There were a few questions. The Major has met Michael Harrison and is holding off on comments. She said they are reaching out to young people. There is a foot patrol around the Square and working on getting officers out and about. We are in Post 214.
Captain Hopkins has been on the force for 21 years also in various areas.
Councilman Zeke Cohen spoke for a few minutes. He said the SE Public Safety Task Force engages all southeast from Eastwood to Harbor East trying to come up with solutions. The next meeting is Thursday, March 14 at 6:30PM possibly at the Patterson Park Charter School.
There is a pilot program in O’Donnell Heights for sheriffs to supplement the foot patrol. He is working on getting cameras registered. There is a grant for LEAD – Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion – dealing with the opiod problem. There is also a grant for “Micro-Community Policing” and the challenges involved.
Bird Scooters – Monica Laufer:
Monica asked how can Canton best be served. She feels this gives people an environmentally-friendly option.
Someone asked if helmets can be distributed which has been done. She feels, though, that people might not want to carry around a helmet. Someone asked about young people using the scooters. She feels that their parents have probably given them the app. The scooters are put out between 5-7AM and taken off the street at 9PM.
Clinton Street Sewerage Improvements – Mr.Obinna Uzoma:
A handout was given at the meeting. This project is bounded by Clinton Street, Holabird Avenue and Highland Avenue. Work will be between 9AM-3PM with one lane shutdown northbound on Clinton Street at construction sites. Construction will start the winter of 2019 and completion expected winter 2020.
Darryl Jurkiewicz asked if this is the same as the resurfacing project on Clinton Street. This is a separate project.
Walk MS – Jodi Sokol:
This is Saturday, April, 13, Canton Waterfront Parking lot; it opens 8:30AM with the walk starting 10AM.
Jodi said these fundraisers have provided breakthroughs. She is asking our support by volunteering or walking. The website is: WALKMS.ORG 1855-372-1331. There is also a walk in Towson. Jodi recognized her husband saying he is a great fundraiser. Fliers were distributed.
At this point Mark pointed out Rev. Cathy Oatman and thanked her for use of the hall.
Kirwan Commission – Maura Taylor:
Maura said this is a once in a generation opportunity to change funding for the City which she said has been underfunded. She urged people to attend the rally, “March For Our Schools” in Annapolis on Monday,
March 11 at 6PM. Buses will be available. Mark said this information will be posted on our website.
CCA Board Elections – Mark:
Mark gave thanks to Sean Flanagan, Judy Howe and Rob Peck for their service on the Board.
He introduced those on the ballot tonight:
Mark – CCA President
Torbin Green – helps with O’Donnell Square and with social media
Rev. Jim Hamilton – is with the Church on the Square and is involved with family things
Doug Kaufman – is a past President and is Chair of the EDC (Economic Development Committee)
Valerie Kent – is co-Chair of the Marketing Committee
Sarah Quackenbush – couldn’t be here this evening; is co-Chair with Valerie
Joe Koehler – has been on and off the Board – involved with Public Safety Committee
Matt Lasinski – owner of Southern Provisions on the Square and involved with events there
Laura London – wants to help get more people engaged especially in fun stuff
Maura Taylor – is passionate about education
Ian Toman – he is not here at the moment, will be CCA Treasurer if elected
Capital News Service – Dan Novak and Ian Round:
They are involved with Baltimore Climate and Health Project, a long, investigative piece about extreme heat and cold. They want to understand how climate change affects the health of people in Baltimore.
They are involved with a pilot program using sensors which gather temperature data in homes. They hope to place one or two in homes (renters and owners) for three weeks. They are partnering with NPR. The end goal is policy change.
Philanthropy Tank – Sarah Nagy:
She said this organization started here recently involving students. She is involved with getting out the word and outreach.
Local Business Spotlight - You’ll Never Walk Alone (Veterinarian) – Kip Imperato, DVM:
Kip is glad to be here. He is located in the Can Company; however, he’s not sure when he will open. He doesn’t have any handouts tonight. Information can go in the CCA newsletter.
B3 Fundraiser at Hampstead Hill Academy – Amanda:
In Adrienne’s absence, Amanda spoke about this event, April B3 event (Bingo, Bidding & Bites) at Hampstead Hill Academy on Saturday, April 6, from 6-11PM. The event raises money for the school. She went last year and had a great time. Tickets go on sale March 1; CCA is a sponsor.
CCA 2019 Volunteer of the Year – Amanda:
Amanda congratulated Chris Broughton as one of the recipients. Chris could not be present tonight.
He is involved in many things here in Canton, one of which is the Public Safety Committee.
The other recipient is Lauren Mallon Davino (Brick Program). They will both get a 2018 brick and certificates from a few local businesses.
Mark recognized Ian Toman.
Darryl Jurkiewicz mentioned there is a meeting on Tuesday, March 5 at FutureCare (Ellwood Avenue) about the Clinton Street resurfacing project between Boston Street and Keith Avenue.
Upcoming CCA & Partner Events:
Southeast Police Dept. (CRC) – 1st Monday of the month @7:00PM (SE District)
CCA Board Meetings – 1st Wednesday of the month @6:30PM – Broom Factory
Economic Development Committee (EDC) – 2nd Monday of the month @6:30PM – Broom Factory
Transportation Committee – 3rd Wednesday of the month @6:30PM – Broom Factory (None in Feb.)
Public Safety Committee – 2nd Wednesday of the month @ 6:30PM – Broom Factory
COP (Citizens on Patrol) Walks – 3rd Tuesday of the month (different starting points) @7PM
O’Donnell Square Cleanups – starting in March every second Saturday of the month
Public Meeting – May 21, 2019 @ 6:30PM – doors open at 6PM
The meeting ended at 8:15PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Aversa