Canton Middle School Building Redevelopment Project
/Baltimore City Public Schools is proposing the redevelopment of the Canton Middle School Building at 801 S. Highland Ave into a mixed-use facility. The proposed project is seeking 25% of the space for 10 (PK-1st grade) classrooms for students from Highlandtown 215, with the remaining 75% being non-educational (residential and/or commercial) use. It is also seeking possible outdoor playground space and a way to keep the I Wonder Community Garden. Developers will be asked to submit RFPs for the site. The proposal is contingent upon developers presenting an innovative plan that meets BCPS requirements.
BCPS is seeking proposals to transform the currently vacant Canton Middle School Building at 801 S. Highland Ave into a mixed-use facility.
25% - Early learning (PK-1st) for students from Highlandtown 215 Elementary/Middle School
75% Non-educational use - residential/commercial
Built in 1925; appx. 100,000 SF and 135 parking spaces
Vacant since 2014 after the closure of Friendship Academy of Science and Technology (FAST).
Prior recommendation to be a 21st Century Project that then transitioned to Highlandtown 237 addition and the rebuild of Commodore John Rodgers
Followed by RFP geared towards charters
2023: District partnered with Cushman & Wakefield (a commercial real estate services firm) to study a redevelopment feasibility, focusing on educational components. Results were very promising. District leadership decided to move forward with an RFP.
2024: Secured
Given the building portfolio, it requires a combined $530M of capital and maintenance funding to upgrade and maintain District buildings to industry standards
The current maintenance and capital budget is approximately $375M less than what is needed
Every school in the southeast is overcrowded.
For more information on seats, enrollment, demographic trends, and utilization, check out their hub website which includes detailed interactive maps:
$25M - The average amount received from the State for the Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
6 - The number of projects within/planned for CIP funding that work to address overcrowding.
2033 - The year BCPS anticipates having CIP funds to put towards major projects (will have finished projects with prior funding, and projects that have yet to receive funding)
$60M - The approximate cost for the new Com. John Rodgers EM
Canton Building: 200 seats for PK-1st (Targeted enrollment approx. 170 students which is 86% utilization)
Highlandtown 215: 398 seats for 2nd-8th (Aiming to serve approximately 350 students; which is 86% utilization)
Total Capacity: Appx. 600 seats between both buildings
Educational Component:
10 Early Learning classrooms and support spaces (~26,000 sq ft)
Outdoor play area to support educational space
Designed as an extension of a neighboring school
Remainder of the Building:
Open for redevelopment with no specific requirements in the RFP other than the educational component and City Schools ownership. Residential use is a likely contender, but they are encouraging innovative proposals
Community garden will be included in RFP
Evaluation will be led by City Schools, with City of Baltimore Planning Department participation.
Cushman & Wakefield will evaluate the technical components of the proposals (financing, costs, scheduling, zoning compliance, etc.) to ensure viability. They cannot submit proposals, or make the final decisions.
CHAP approval required for redevelopment plans
Goal is to have a final decision Winter 2025
Occupancy is no sooner than Fall 2028
This project will bring changes that affect the entire community. BCPS has hosted four public Engagement Sessions to date. Future info sessions hosted by BCPS are planned for
Mid-March 2025: Informational Presentation on Final RFP ( RFP goes out March 31st, 2025)
August 2025: Share Top Choices (Location TBD)
October 2025: Informational Meeting on Selected Developer (Location TBD)
To view the entire presentation, watch the live feed on the CCA Facebook page at (57 minutes into the meeting), or view on our website.
Questions/Feedback? Email Chanae Tynes, Senior Project Manager of Strategy & Compliance (Chief Operating Office) at
Presentation by Maureen Gershberg | Director of Facilities Planning & Strategy and Chanae Tynes | Senior PM for Strategy & Compliance BCPS.
Baltimore City Public Schools 2024 Comprehensive Educational Facilities Master Plan (CEFMP)
The Comprehensive Educational Facilities Master Plan (CEFMP) serves as a document and a process for City Schools. As a resource document, the 2024 Baltimore City Public Schools’ CEFMP contains both educational and community-related elements that impact facility usage. Some of the major topics include long-range facilities planning policies and regulations, community demographic and socioeconomic analyses, and projected student enrollment and building utilization.
The CEFMP is developed with the participation, contributions and input of many departments/entities within and outside of City Schools. It provides administrators, teachers, community representatives, City and State staff, and elected officials with a reference to assess future facility needs, determine project priorities, and establish a framework for decision-making and/or policy development pertaining to City Schools facilities. It also identifies current and future facility needs and provides a long-range perspective for future facility challenges. CLICK HERE for the 2024 Executive Summary.