Canton Anti-Racism Alliance

The Canton Anti-Racism Alliance is a coalition of volunteers dedicated to affecting long-term, impactful changes to foster a more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and welcoming community. The Alliance may be most known for its successful effort to remove the statue of Captain John O’Donnell, an enslaver, from O’Donnell Square Park in 2021, however, their efforts did not stop there. Here’s an update on their goals and accomplishments.

2024 Accomplishments

  • The Canton Anti-Racism Alliance gathered like-minded community volunteers dedicated to affecting long-term, impactful changes to foster a more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and welcoming community

  • Researched and revised the Canton History timeline (led by John Ford) to reflect the role of Indigenous people and people of African descent more accurately in the story of our neighborhood's development and extend the timeline past 2000 to the present day

  • CCA Board Member Jon Ford led a project to memorialize people enslaved when Canton was a plantation

  • Continued reviewing the process of how to rename O’Donnell Square Park, removing the name of an enslaver

  • Hosted a symbolic Juneteenth Freedom Walk to the sites of the Frederick Douglass History Panels

  • Began the process of building a relationship with a sister neighborhood

2025 Goals

  • Host bi-monthly meetings to brainstorm ideas and share progress reports

  • Install the new Historic Marker memorializing people enslaved when Canton was a plantation

  • Facilitate more “Conversations With” local authors to provide expert-led educational virtual forums

  • Spotlight legislation and policies that support anti-racism, equity, and equality

  • Frame the proposed process for renaming O’Donnell Square Park and make it accessible to Canton residents

  • Continue outreach to engage new members and the community

  • Host 3rd Annual Freedom Walk or other Juneteenth-related event

  • Update the CCA website to include a dedicated page for Alliance information

  • Continue to explore and build a relationship with a sister neighborhood

The Alliance encourages neighbors to join current and future efforts to combat racism and promote inclusivity in our community. The group hosts a bi-monthly virtual meeting, and all are welcome to attend. To learn more, email