Canton Dog Park Pawty for the Park

The CCA is hosting a Pawty for the Park fundraiser on Saturday, June 24 from 11 am-2 pm for the Friends of Canton Dog Park.

Bring the pups, the family, and your neighbors, and come play with us! Enjoy games, music, a costume contest, local vendors, a doggie yard sale table, raffles, and more in support of the Canton Dog Park. Meet local celebri-dogs and order lunch from a Special Pawty for the Park Menu at Lighthouse Tavern. All special menu proceeds will go to the Friends of Canton Dog Park Fund. (Adult beverages are available at Lighthouse, no alcohol is permitted in the street or at the park.) 

 Why we need your help…

The Canton Dog Park, founded in 2002, was the first off-leash park in Baltimore City. Being over 20 years old, the park needs some TLC. In 2022, the CCA spent $9,000 in repairs including a retaining wall and a plumber to fix the water fountains. BCRP visited the park multiple times to re-grade and repair a recurring water leak problem. Despite all our efforts, some major projects still need attention. 

At the top of the list, there is an immediacy to resolve the “lake” which forms in the large dog side of the park and renders it unusable when it rains. This undertaking is costly, but very necessary for the safety and cleanliness of the park. Short-term projects include new signage, shade sails, benches, and a bulletin board to share community information. 

The CCA has depleted our reserves and needs your help to raise funds. Our goal is to raise $30k for these improvements. 

We are seeking SPONSORS for the Pawty. If you are interested, please email or you can sign up online at

The Pawty is FREE, but we hope neighbors will donate in support of the park.