Farewell 2910 on the Square Thanks for 23 Amazing Years!

After 23 amazing years in Canton, 2910 on the Square gift shop is closing. You can still support owner Stephanie Fleishman, CCA Special Lifetime Volunteer Honoree, by shopping small at her store thru May 31, 2022. Everything in the store is on sale!

Shop Baltimore & Maryland-themed gifts, items for your home, kitchen, bar & bath, wedding, baby, graduation and more! Need a Mother’s Day gift? The store carries lots of fun gift ideas for Mom including handbags, jewelry and scarves.

If you cannot make it in person to shop, Steph says give her a call at 410-675-8505 and she will pack and ship to you! You can also email coolstuff@2910onthesquare.com to ask questions or send a good-bye message. 

The CCA thanks Stephanie for all she's brought to our community. 2910 may be closing, and we'll miss the fun shopping, but we know we'll see her around the block… or hopefully, at one of our many committees as she continues her valuable volunteerism in our neighborhood! Best of luck to you, Stephanie!