CCA Public Meeting Minutes 05 18 2021

The meeting started at 6:30PM – It was livestreamed on Facebook.

(Questions are being taken or can be emailed to

Amanda opened the meeting welcoming people who joined. She said there will be news and presentations about the neighborhood and the City. The Canton Community Association (CCA) is an all-volunteer group. The Board meets monthly. If anyone wants to join, please go online or email us at


O’Donnell Square Park Updates - Torbin Green:

Torbin thanked all who helped at the Meet and Greet on April 25 saying there were 40 bags of trash. Mulching and weeding was done. On the second Saturday of the month a consistent group of volunteers meets to help clean the Square. There are some tables for anyone to use. People are asked to please clean up after using them. He is trying to add more shade.

He also reported that Rec and Parks through the Friends of O’Donnell Square Park applied for a grant. This is a collaborative effort. This was received in the form of $3,000 in funding for supplies, more tables and a portable sanitization station. If anyone is interested in helping, please contact

O’Donnell Square Park Re-Design Team – Amanda Bourgeois:

She commended folks who help keep the Square clean. This is a team of people who have experience in this area. The question now is what to do with the Square now that the statue is down. This is a long-term project, and the team will reach out to residents and businesses. At some point people can join the team.

Southeast Community Leaders Outreach - Sheila Anderson:

Following the removal of the O'Donnell statue on April 5, Councilmember Zeke Cohen and Joshua Thompson requested a meeting with several members of Southeast community associations. This introductory caucus focused on further engaging Black and Latinx Southeast residents and fostering more welcoming communities. These discussions will likely be ongoing. A follow-up meeting date has not yet been scheduled.

Team 46 Town Hall - Maura Taylor:

Maura said our three delegates (Luke Clippinger, Brooke Lierman and Robbyn Lewis) and State Senator Bill Ferguson are holding their end of session town hall on Wednesday, May 19 at 5PM. Questions can be submitted to Senator Ferguson. The information was in the Chat.

Education Spotlight - Amanda Bourgeois:

This spotlight of various schools will be in the CCA June newsletter. You need to be a member to receive the monthly newsletter.

She welcomed New Century school in Fells Point who recently became a CCA business member. Even though they are in Fells Point some of the students live in Canton. Amanda said we are looking forward to working with them.


Baltimore Police Department’s Consent Decree Implementation – Lisa Fink:

Lisa shared her screen. The agenda includes Consent Decree, Management and Monitoring Plans, Policy & Training and Progress. She has been working on this since 2017. She said this is a complicated document.

Knowing our agenda is packed tonight, she will give us a snapshot.

In April 2015 this decree was entered into by a federal judge addressing problems. Since this is a court order it is binding and under it until the judge says we are okay. It calls for a massive overhaul. Other cities have such decrees. Policy is based on best practices. There are twelve core principles. The City needs to show that it can sustain this decree

This is put out for public comment with every one read. The calendar is: to see what policies are open for public comment.

Technology is a massive update.

She showed an extensive color-coded snapshot of policy topic areas and training.

Amanda thanked her for this great update.

Your Community & Live Baltimore – Kim Wiggins:

Live Baltimore's roots date to 1997. A grassroots group known as encore baltiMORE! partnered with Citizens Planning and Housing Association to found the “Live Baltimore Marketing Center” – a program designed to counter negative perceptions of city living and to show off city neighborhoods as great places to live.

Their main mission is to retain City residents. This is a 501c3 nonprofit. East Baltimore has a dedicated page on their website. There is a Neighborhood Ambassador sign up page requiring a profile to be done.

There is a trolley tour three times a year. People report gaining increased knowledge. School options are provided. Their info is:; 410-637-3750.

In response to a question, Healthy neighborhoods help with loans.

Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services – Jose Perez:

Jose said his role is street outreach getting to know people. There are six of them at any given time. They engage street homeless people trying to find out why they are homeless and offering possible aid. Covid put a stop to a lot of this work although the Mayor’s office has been able to continue a lot of their work.

There are many facets involved in being homeless. He was asked what is a typical turnaround time. It varies although they try to get an answer within 48 hours. A lot of shelters are shut down due to Covid. There are more homeless people now. He thanked City organizations such as the CCA and churches for helping.

Mark said it is important to say thank you. There is a vigil Wednesday May 19 at 7:30PM at the Canton Waterfront Park for the homeless. Mark will try to represent the CCA.

Amanda as well thanked Jose for all their work. Their site is:

Dypski Park Update - Will Anderson:

Will gave an update saying this is a long process. He showed a presentation with bidding and construction phases. The award of contract went to DSM Properties. The bid award was $1,527,084.87. Construction should start June 2021 with end of construction June 2022 possibly sooner.

The wading pool is not ADA compliant. He showed a perspective plan including play areas, entrances, decorative fountain with an edge and bike racks. Signs will be posted about the water possibly having 1% bacteria. Exact wording will have to be decided. Seven oak and maple trees will be planted.

The pavilion will be relocated to Gwynns Falls Leakin Park near an athletic field. They will keep us up to date on the demolition team for the pavilion. Lights will remain on at all times with special lights for events. Someone asked if this project will add jobs. He will try to get an answer.

Lauren Davino who handles the CCA brick program asked if this program could be incorporated with the park. This could be a possibility.

Will said to please reach out to him with questions. He also works with Linzy Jackson who is our community liaison for Rec and Parks. All the fencing will be replaced. Amanda thanked him saying we are all excited.

National Edgar Allan Poe Theatre - Alex Zavistovich

He is the founder and Artistic Director of this theatre which is a 501c3. Their board is growing. The long-term goal is to eventually have a physical presence. Their mission is to adapt Poe’s works. There have been radio adaptions on NPR, Amazon and others. They are using these in Baltimore County at this time. Also they are archived by the Library of Congress.

He shared his screen. He encourages people to engage with them. Their website is He thanked us for the opportunity to speak.

Closing remarks - Mark:

Chris Broughton of the Canton Get Lit Program was given a Certificate of Recognition. People may have seen this video on Facebook. Mark read this proclamation given by Mayor Brandon Scott. Chris appreciates the recognition. He can be reached through Facebook and by text.

Mark thanked Chris for his work and also Joe Koehler, Board member, for his work with lights and the Block Captain program.

Mark thanked the Can Company for their pizza fundraiser - &amp pizza on Sunday, May 16.

If anyone is interested in getting involved there are many committees. Recently a grant writing committee was formed. The CCA Committees need help.

Don’t forget to reach us at to volunteer or if you are interested in the Get Lit program or the O’Donnell Square Park Buy-A-Brick program.

He thanked the presenters and all who joined tonight. There are different ways to connect with us – Facebook and website.

The meeting ended at 8:05PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Denise Aversa