CCA Public Meeting Minutes 2 18 2020

CCA Public Meeting
Tuesday, February 18, 2020 

The meeting started at 6:40PM at the United Evangelical Church. Mark Edelson, President, introduced himself and thanked everyone for coming. 

As we usually do, Mark asked if this was the first time anyone was attending a CCA meeting. There were five people who briefly introduced themselves. He also identified a group of young people from the class he teaches at Goucher. He called them the “leaders for the future”. 

Moment of Silence for John Cain (former Councilman) - Darryl Jurkiewicz (Past CCA President):

Darryl spoke of John Cain who was our Councilman from 1991-2004 as a local historian. He was working on a book with Dr. Ray Bahr. Darryl called John a “great guy”. 

Board Elections – Mark:
This is held at the first Public meeting of the year with half the members elected one year for a two-year term and the other half the next year. This year’s ballots are on each table. 

Mark introduced those up for election: 

Denise Aversa – has lived here nearly 31 years and has been on the Board 15 years and Secretary almost as long.

Amanda Bourgeois – has lived in Canton nearly 20 years and has been Vice President for two years.

Adrienne Ekas-Mueting – she is running for the third time and is the Education person; she has a child going to Hampstead Hill Academy.

Jayne Miller – reporter for WBAL-TV – couldn’t make it tonight; she will be the moderator for the 

Emily Todd – new candidate – couldn’t be here tonight and is active in the Public Safety Committee; Mark is endorsing her.

Vic Victoriano – new candidate – has lived here about 12 years; also has a daughter in HHA.

Michael Woollen – runs Canton Canopy which has received $180,000 in grants to plant trees in the last few years. Mark said a vote for Michael is a “vote for the environment”. 

Mayoral Candidate Forum – Mark:
The CCA is hosting a forum in conjunction with other neighborhood groups at Hampstead Hill Academy on Wednesday, March 11 from 6-8PM. All the major candidates have accepted. Questions will be taken. Mark said his students will also be attending. 

Hampstead Hill Academy B3 (bingo, bidding & bites) Event – Adrienne Ekas-Mueting:
Adrienne, VP of the PTA, spoke about this event being held on April 18 starting at 6PM. The CCA is a major sponsor ($1,000), and they have six tickets to raffle off for the event. Small slips of paper will be distributed. If you are interested, please put your information and three names will be drawn. In 2019 about $24,000 was raised. Donations can be made to 

Introduction of other Board Members – Mark:
Saying he wants to make sure folks know other Board members, Mark introduced Sarah Quackenbush – Marketing, Maura Taylor – “jack of all trades” and hoping to get for government relations, Joe Koehler – Safety, Torbin – recording the meeting and works with volunteers, Ian Toman – Treasurer and Doug Kaufman – EDC Chair. 

Public Safety – Joe Koehler:
This committee was started about two years ago. COP walks were started again with a police officer joining the walk. This month’s is on Wednesday, February 19 at 7PM starting at Claddagh Pub on the Square. They will also stop by O’Donnell’s Pub on Fleet Street. Monthly meetings are held the second Wednesday at the Broom Factory. 

Public Safety – Joe Koehler:
Michelle Lee is tracking Impact Statements from the community. Chris Broughton is handling the lighting project. Joe hopes to have every block get café lights. There is also the SE Task Force run by Councilman Zeke Cohen’s office the second Thursday of the month at St. Elizabeth’s Church on Baltimore Street and Lakewood Avenue. They discuss best practices and feature a speaker. 

One of the CCA’s purposes is to involve people. Joe would like for folks to become Block Captains who can then create a Facebook page and/or an email list. They can become involved in cleanups and also track the number of lights and cameras on their blocks. Currently there is a Baltimore Brunch Club that meets every other Sunday (April to November) doing weeding, picking up trash, etc. Then they go somewhere to socialize. 

Canton Canopy – Michael Woollen:
This started about 3-3 1⁄2 years ago with 300+ trees planted here in Canton. They will be starting on Fait Avenue from Montford to Highland Avenues April 26 and May 9. Later the plan is to plant trees north of that area. 

There is a Harris Creek Connective Initiative on February 20 at the old American Brewery building on Gay Street. Harris Creek runs underneath from Clifton Park to the Canton Waterfront. 

Volunteer of the Year – Amanda Bourgeois:
Amanda said this award goes to recognize those who go above and beyond in their volunteer efforts. She introduced Brad and Cathy Rees who help keep the Square clean and store items for us. Cathy runs Yoga at the Church on the Square. Also Tray Smith is a recipient for his work with youth programming. He attends a lot of meetings and helps with CCA events. 

Past recipients here tonight were mentioned – Ms. Joi and Chris Broughton. 

Mayor’s Spring Clean-Up – Amanda:
This will take place Saturday, April 18. Supplies will be provided to those who register. 

CCA Committees Need Help - Social, Marketing and Membership – Amanda:
Amanda said we need help on the Social Committee. Also Sarah said the Marketing Committee which promotes the CCA could use graphic designers and writers. The Membership Committee needs help soliciting individual and business members. 

St. Patrick’s Day Events: Canton Irish Stroll – March 7th O’Donnell Square Park; and Meet in the Street – March 13th (Claddagh’s Only) and March 14th (Claddagh’s, El Bufalo, Looney’s and Southern Provisions)
Amanda wants to make sure neighbors are aware of these events. 

Swag – Sarah:
Sarah said starting March 1 the membership levels are being refreshed. Some of the swag is being shown at the back of the room. She encourages people to join. Members get the monthly newsletter. Sarah recognized Julie Kichline for doing a lot of work. 

The new levels and swag are: $30 “Booster” – hat; $75 – “Champion” – tote bag; “Advocate” – hat and tumbler. A new feature is an additional $10 for pets with swag. This money goes to the Canton Dog Park. 

Presentations Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (Kirwan Regulations) – Keegan Taylor:
Keegan is a student at Poly and spoke on this saying there is a need for equitable funding. She also feels waste is not the problem. There is information in the back on the Estimated Increase in Direct State Aid to Public Schools. She urged people to contact our government. 

Banner Neighborhoods Community Corporation – Marie Calabrese and Grant Corley:
Grant and Marie spoke about this 40-year-old nonprofit located near Ellwood Park. Fliers are in the back. This group is involved with Youth Programs and Senior Home Maintenance. They are looking for new Board members. 

Their website is: 

You’ll Never Walk Alone – Dr. Kip Imperato:
He hopes to open his hospital in the Can Company by April 1. He had some setbacks. He is very excited about all this and hoping we are working toward a “pet friendly neighborhood”. 

Upcoming Election:
Shannon Sneed is from District 13 and considers herself a neighbor. She is running for City Council President. 

1st District Candidates (10-minutes each, includes Q&A) - Paris Bienert and Zeke Cohen:
Paris spoke first saying she has met a lot of us and lives close by. She has met people who say that the City is not working for them. Paris feels that a Council person’s role should be an advocate and to be responsive to the little things - water bills, trash, pot holes, etc. She would establish a newsletter and is opening an office here in Canton. She promises a 48-hour response. She knows that safety is the number one issue. In this regard, she thinks more officers should be out in the community with some of their work being “civilianized”. 

There were a few questions. Someone asked her why she was being negative and said she gets a great response from Councilman Cohen’s office. 

A lot of women have told her public transportation is a big issue. The Kirwan Commission recommendations are really expensive. She is committed to finding money. Her website is and has a lot of her plans. 

Zeke talked about the work he has done and said he is proud of the requests his office resolved – 2,348. He has nine people working in his office. He introduced the Trauma-Responsive Care Act after a shooting at O’Donnell Heights. He has heard from a lot of young people. As for the police, he wanted to make clear that the Police Department is a State agency. He said it is a great honor to do this job. It helps that he has partnerships with the CCA – Mark and Amanda; and Joe and Chris (Public Safety). 

There were a few questions. As for the revenue ideas for the Kirwan recommendations, the City Council can’t add to the budget. However, they can make cuts to the budget. 

He said we have a Police Commissioner who wants to cut police overtime. Councilman Cohen feels the Commissioner knows what he is doing. 

He feels that Patterson Park has come a long way and serves as a bridge joining north, south, east and west. The Master Plan is done and being implemented. The White House will be hopefully finished and could use more funds. 

Mark asked that people finish the ballots. 

He gave special thanks to the United Evangelical Church for use of their hall tonight. Also thanks to Chasseur for the food. Mark spoke of the upcoming events. 

Upcoming CCA & Partner Events: 

Mayoral Candidate Forum – March 11th Hampstead Hill Academy – 6-8PM 

Mayor’s Spring Clean-Up – April 18th 

Hampstead Hill Academy B3 Event – April 18th – 6:00PM 

Citizens on Patrol (COP) Walks – 3rd Tuesday of the month @ 7:00PM (locations TBD each month) – Next Walk is Wednesday February 19th at Claddagh Pub 

Southeast Police District - CRC – 1st Monday of month @ 7:00PM 

Economic Development Committee (EDC chaired by Doug Kaufman) – 2nd Monday of month @ 6:30PM 

CCA Board Meetings – 1st Wednesday of month @ 6:30PM 

Marketing Committee – 2nd Tuesday of month @ 6:00PM 

Public Safety Meetings – 2nd Wednesday of month @7:00PM 

Next Public Meeting May 19, 2020 @ 6:30PM 

The meeting ended at 8:10PM. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Aversa