CCA Baltimore Mayoral Forum


The CCA will host a 2020 Baltimore Mayoral Forum on Wednesday, March 11 from 6:00-8:00 pm at the Hampstead Hill Academy located at 500 S Linwood Avenue.

Hear from the candidates at the 2020 Baltimore Mayoral Forum, hosted by the CCA in conjunction with BH Neighbors, the Patterson Park Neighborhood Association, and the Highlandtown Community Association. Moderated by WBAL I-Team Investigative Reporter Jayne Miller, the forum will be focused on the future outlook for Baltimore City. While the CCA, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, does not endorse political candidates, we believe that a well-informed electorate is a crucial element of a high functioning and inclusive community.

Question topics will include education, transportation, public safety, community development/investment, tax policy, city services, our young people, and inclusive engagement in the political process, among other subjects. Any members interested in submitting questions can do so through this form by Monday, March 9. The event is free, but we ask that attendees RSVP by registering here.