Meet Amanda Bourgeois, our VP with the key to “Getting Neighborly”!

If you don’t know her name, you know her face because she’s omnipresent supporting our community. Amanda Bourgeois is the Vice President of the CCA, a Ravens fan, music lover, and a diehard advocate for Canton.

We caught up with her this month and here’s what she shared.

Amanda, while not a newbie, you're a transplant to Canton. Tell us, how long have you lived in Canton and how did you get here?

I’ve been a Canton resident for 19 years.  I grew up in Davidsonville, MD outside of Annapolis.  Our family would come to Baltimore often, well…mainly because of sports, but also because my father was a Chesapeake Bay Pilot with the Maryland Pilots Association.  Their offices are next to the Natty Boh Tower. I graduated college in 2000 when Canton was on the upward swing of home rehabs and business successes. I wasn’t sure where I wanted to land yet and my father suggested considering Canton and maybe buying a house.  Being 22, I thought he, and the banks, were nuts but figured I would check it out. Also, growing up around Annapolis, you are either a DC or Baltimore person. I always had an affinity for Baltimore and was happy to consider moving to this big city specifically. We looked at many houses but kept passing one by Claddagh’s with a “For Sale by Owner” sign in the window.  We set up an appointment to see the place and after the third visit, a handshake deal, and ringing in the New Year I was the proud owner of my very own Canton rowhome. Please note that the Ravens won their first Super Bowl 3 weeks after I moved to Canton. The celebration in the Square that night solidified that I was in the right spot for me!   

How did you get involved with the CCA? (What roles/positions?)

My good friend Torbin Green has lived in Canton longer than I.  We met through mutual friends and learned we were neighbors. Over the years we would chat about things that were great about the community but would also generate ideas on how it could be even better.  Torbin was continually getting involved in running neighborhood events and volunteering his time at clean-ups and to help neighbors. He was inspiring and his quiet but powerful energy was contagious. He was eventually appointed to the CCA’s board in the Community Outreach role and he thought I would make a good addition to the team. I decided to go ahead and dip my toe in the CCA water and was onboarded to the group as the Volunteer Coordinator.  I quickly started getting involved in other committees and helping with social media.  After a few years, the Vice President role became vacant and I put my hat in the ring for the position. Two years later, I am up for re-election in 2020.

So, you’re coming up on your 2-year anniversary as Vice President of the CCA.  Please share what you and the CCA have accomplished.

As I came aboard, the CCA was working to expand their reach and inform the community about all that we do. So, we started a monthly newsletter for members highlighting neighbors, events, organizations, and businesses in Canton. We also implemented a rebranding; incorporating CCA merchandise so all can show their Canton pride. On the regular we organize public meetings, community Dumpster Days, countless clean-ups, and happy hours.  We support neighborhood organizations like Canton Canopy, the Canton Library, St. Casimir Elementary and Hampstead Hill Academy. We continually work to staff committees and in turn, the Public Safety Committee is really having an impact with COP Walks and their Block Captain initiative. We sponsor neighborhood events like Movie Night, Light Night Canton and the Lamp Post Lighting Party that help to provide free, family-friendly events for the neighborhood. The Marketing Committee has also expanded their capabilities with social media to engage/inform neighbors and the Historical Marker Project is our newest accomplishment.

What are your goals with the CCA for 2020?

My goal is to continue to work to grow our committees. Currently we have some amazing volunteers, but they can only do so much on their own. With more members, we can continue to provide the services we do, but also implement so much more!

How can the community help?

No one is unfamiliar with the term “it takes a village.”  Nothing could be truer in our community. I think Canton is a great neighborhood but there is so much we can improve upon. And why not?  Who doesn’t have an hour a week or a skillset they could share from time to time? I cannot express how grateful I am, as a Canton resident, for the support we do receive from other neighbors and our generous businesses. We are always looking for people and businesses willing to step up and dedicate some time and funding to all that work we accomplish. The more people we have involved, the less work there is all around and the more things we can create and achieve to positively benefit Canton and Baltimore as a whole!   

We know your volunteerism is not limited to the CCA. What other organizations do you support?

St. Francis Neighborhood Center is this wonderful organization dedicated to ending generational poverty in Reservoir Hill.  I think it is so important for anyone living in Baltimore to not just look at their own neighborhood, but also focus on the areas that could use a helping hand.  Too many people feel that paying taxes and keeping their space in order is enough. It would be amazing if that were the case for us here in Baltimore, but it’s just not the reality. The Center is a place where kids in lower-income areas can go after school to get help with their homework, a healthy snack and dinner, and learn about various opportunities they may have never been exposed to. And, it’s a place where they are safe from the ever-present dangers of their environment that they have little to no control over.  It is organizations like these that are working to attack the source of the issue in Baltimore and I have seen tangible results that the Center’s model works. If you’d like to help or learn more, visit

I also support an organization in Clifton Park called Civic Works (link). They are a non-profit aiming to end poverty by providing young adults with job training and opportunities. The team at Civic Works is always up to some practical and cool projects to help the city and their residents.  

Other than those organizations, I have pretty much have devoted my time, energy and resources to the Baltimore Ravens. #CAW #ibleedpurple #ravensnation

When you're not entrenched in helping others, what else do you like to do?

I love going to see live music in Baltimore and around the world. I try and travel as much as possible; combining it with a festival in San Diego or Spain is a win/win. In general, I spend my time with family and friends just being out and about having a good time.  

What do you like most about living and working in the Canton Community?

Living half a block from O’Donnell Square is such an amazing perk.  Now that I work from home, it’s cool to go out and see how Canton is during the weekday. I’m always meeting new neighbors and business owners/employees who are kind, fun and unique. So, I guess the answer is… it’s just plain fun!  

Is there anything else you’d like the community to know?

I have met so many awesome and inspiring people through the CCA and I’ve learned about things I never would have known about if I just kept going about my normal routine. So, I encourage you to get out there and get neighborly!

If someone has a question or wants to get involved in the CCA, how should they reach out or contact you?

Head to the website ( to click around and see what you learn about us. You can also sign up to be a member there.  I can personally be reached via email (  No question is too small or big.  We are here to help!