CCA Committee Updates


Update by Committee Chair Elliott Plack

CCA Transportation Committee meets once a month to discuss transportation issues affecting the neighborhood. In recent meetings, we have been working on coming up with a list of tangible actions the committee will focus on tackling in the coming year. We held a ballot on the issues at our May meeting and the results will be announced shortly.

One new transportation feature in Canton is the S. Lakewood Ave. contraflow bike lane. This bike lane runs along the 900 and 1000 blocks and allows cyclists to travel northbound and connect with bike lanes on Hudson Street. It is called a "contraflow" lane because bicycles are allowed to travel in the opposite direction as automobiles. The beginnings of the lane are visible on the street in front of OneDo coffee, but it is not complete.

The committee is looking at proposals for a 'dangerous intersection' study to be done by BDOT in association with Councilman Cohen's office. The committee must propose a single intersection to the councilman’s office that we feel the community would benefit the most from an improvement. The committee is only charged with making a selection, in effect pointing DOT in the right direction. Candidates include Boston/Hudson/Montford, Conkling/Boston, Ellwood/O'Donnell.

Below are summary items from the priority list.

Boston Street Multimodal Corridor Study
How can we work with BDOT to facilitate neighborhood recommendations?

Baltimore Bikeshare system/station expansion recommendations letter
Reviewing possible recommendations for new locations around the community.

Patterson Park private vehicular access restrictions
Private vehicles frequent the internal road network in Patterson Park, especially during special events and sports league play. There are signs at the park entrances that specifically prohibit all but "official" vehicles, but these signs are ignored and enforcement is non-existent. Pedestrians, often with small children, and bicyclists that use the park roads and paths are not expecting vehicles there and this creates a dangerous conflict. The committee would seek to work with Rec & Parks to increase enforcement or perhaps curtail entrance altogether if possible.

Baltimore LINK system
Some committee members wish to alter bus routing for the SE Baltimore neighborhoods, especially along Boston Street where there is no longer through service to downtown.

Extension of Charm City Circulator service to SE Baltimore
An extension to Canton would be great but seems infeasible due to current policy. Could this be changed?

Boston Street Eastbound at Captain James / Aliceanna St
Known issue with 5-minute carryout lane blocking Eastbound rush hour traffic

Bike Commuting Education/Outreach
Organized bike commuting monthly rides w/ educational component. Maybe linking up with Adam Aviv's group.
The CCA Transportation Committee meets on the third Wednesday of every month from 6:30-7:30 pm at the Broom Factory at 3500 Boston Street. For more info, email



by Committee Chair Dan Tracy

This month the CCA Economic Development Committee will discuss one pending project of interest to our community.
3506 Fleet Street - The owner of this property, which is presently a vacant lot, plans to develop it with two new construction townhomes with garages entered from the alley at the rear. This project will require subdivision approval by the Planning Commission and variances from lot coverage and rear setback requirements. This process is being handled for the owner by Nate Pretl of AB Associates.

Any questions or comments should be directed to the EDC Chair, Dan Tracy, at The EDC meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. on the second floor of The Broom Factory Building, 3500 Boston St., #225. All are welcome.



by Committee Chair Joe Koehler

The CCA recently established a Public Safety Committee to develop short- and long-term initiatives to improve public safety in our community, including emergency preparedness, fire/EMS, and crime. As part of the plan, the committee hosts monthly COP Walks (Citizens on Patrol) during which neighbors meet with local BPD officers with the goal of improving neighborhood visibility and promoting safety in Canton. The next COP Walk is scheduled for July 24 at 7:00 p.m.
The committee also encourages neighbors to join Wednesday Stoop Nights. They strongly believe getting neighbors outside and connecting with each other could help make the community safer. Along with showing community solidarity, the committee is emphasizing the importance of outdoor lighting. Please remember to turn your exterior lights on after dark. A well-lighted area can be a deterrent to crime.

The Public Safety committee meets on the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. on the second floor of The Broom Factory Building, 3500 Boston St., #225. All are welcome! For more information on the Canton COP Walks, or to join the CCA Public Safety Committee, contact Joe Koehler at