Canton Dog Park: An Unleashed Oasis
/Canton is known for its amazing quality of life, and the CCA has always believed that same quality of life should extend to our four-legged friends as well. That’s why, in 2002, we created the first off-leash dog park in the city! We encourage everyone to bring their dogs to play, socialize, and enjoy some safe, off-leash time outdoors.
“It's a great way to meet like-minded people. You can always learn from others – dog training methods, health issues, socializing experiences,” says Canton resident and dog lover, Ed Mejia.
Park Features
The Canton Dog Park features: 1) Open space where dogs can run and play in a legal “off-leash” area; 2) A double gated perimeter fence, divided into two sections: one for large dogs, and one for smaller or older dogs; 3.) A sandy surface that is gentle on paws and easy to maintain; 4) Shade, nearby parking, routine maintenance, and a notice board for dog park rules and related information.
Canton resident and professional Dog Walker, Sally Kervin says, “The Canton Dog Park is an oasis for dogs. The sand is easy on paws, and it offers a large area for them to socialize and run.”
Dog Park Rules
The Canton Dog Park is open and free for all dog owners to use, but we request that all users treat the space, other dogs, and other humans with respect. While there is no fee or registration required for this park to be used, we recommend that all dog owners register their dogs with the city and acquire a pet license. To apply, visit
To use the park, dogs cannot be aggressive. They must be neutered past the age of 9 months. Owners are responsible for monitoring their dogs behavior as well as cleaning up after their dogs. We also encourage users to help maintain the park in general.
Jayne Miller, The President of the Friends of Canton Dog Park (FCDP), shares its history:
Canton Community Association (CCA) recognized the need for an off-leash area for dogs in Canton. During the early part of 2001, CCA began working closely with the Responsible Dog Owners Group (R-Dog) to make this a reality. R-Dog was already working with the City of Baltimore’s Board of Recreation and Parks to develop a policy on dog parks in the city, so the partnership was ideal. At the June 2001 meeting, the Board of Recreation and Parks voted in favor of creating dog parks in Baltimore City. This opened the door for CCA to approach the Department of Recreation and Parks to identify a suitable location in Canton. In September 2001, CCA was authorized by the Director of the Department of Recreation and Parks to proceed with the creation of a dog park at the vacant lot located at the northeast corner of the Senator Joseph S. Bonvegna Field. This meant Canton would establish the first official dog park in Baltimore City!
Jayne Miller, FCDP President
CCA established a fund and sought community support over the next year to raise enough money to make the dog park a reality. After much hard work on the part of many volunteers and generous donations from a variety of contributors, the CCA hosted a grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony for the city’s first official dog park on September 15, 2002 .
Since those early years we have maintained an active committee; Friends of Canton Dog Park (FCDP) under the CCA. FCDP, compiled of all volunteers, continues to raise funds to maintain and improve the Park for all the humans and dogs that use the park daily all year round.
The care of the park relies on community support. All donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated. To make a donation, visit
Or, join the Yearly Sponsorship Program. The cost is $400 and includes the following benefits:
- A Platinum Business Membership to the Canton Community Association, with logo featured on the CCA home page and the Canton Dog Park page
- Small print ad posted in the advertisements box at the Canton Dog Park
- A table at ANY Canton Dog Park Fundraisers
- Business linked to the Canton Dog Park Facebook page
For more information, please contact
The Canton Dog Park, located at 3221 Toone St., is open from dawn to dusk.